On Windows that's C:\Program Files\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Documents. It will open the PDF stored locally on your PC.

Paperback on Amazon (may not be available yet).The Beginner's Guide to DaVinci Resolve 17.Anyone else had luck? The Missing Manual Beginner's Guide I'm surprised that none of the YouTubers (or BlackMagic themselves) have put together a quick reference PDF for this (at least not that I can find). Add subtle vingette to provide contrast and focus.Ctrl-A + middle click (?) to Copy to all other clips.Boost saturation and Gamma just a touch to make it a little more poppy.Bring Lift Master Wheel down so that the blacks are down in the 10% range.Bring Gain Master Wheel up so that scopes show whites up in 90% range.Alt+Click on Volume line to create (not as good).Pull the EQ on the music down in that area.Figure out where your voice falls (probably 1k-2k).Makeup - bump until Output is peaking red -10db to -6db.Threshold - until the top blue bar is moving between 0 and -6db.Settings Hacks Fairlight: Reasonable Default Audio Settings To paste at the right track, Alt+Click the auto track selector icon to "solo" that track To paste at playhead, hit I at the playhead, then paste. In keyboard, set REPLACE to fn + down arrow.In keyboard, set PLACE ON TOP to fn + up arrow.MUST clear in and out markers (or have them exact) before using Place on Top.Add Show Keyframe Editor to move keyframes and transiotion points.Add h (nothing) to ( Step One Frame Reverse / Move Backward / Previous Frame).Swap l ( Play Forward) with -> ( Step One Frame Forward / Next Frame).Swap v and shift + v for nearest clip and nearest edit.Swich = ( +) from Goto Timecode to Zoom In.

Switch - from Decement Timecode to Zoom Out.Alt-Click+Drag to duplicate/expand clip (ex: for bg audio).Timeline menu > Selection Follows Playhead.On Mac: Shift ⇧ + Cmd ⌘ + G, /Applications/DaVinci Resolve/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/Resources/Ĭut / Edit Sync Audio with Clip After Editing.On Windows: C:\Program Files\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Documents.Davinci Resolve Beginner's Guide (16 & 17) Official Resources DaVinci Resolve Keynote Presentation with Grant Petty (CEO)