Want to use Apple’s sand-dune image on your iPhone too? If you install Mojave the Dynamic Desktop should be linked to the hours of daylight where you are based. Since there are only eight images that look sufficiently daytime that means you will only get that daylight effect for eight hours of the day, so choose wisely! The only issue with this method of creating a Dynamic Desktop is that here in the UK right now we’re in the height of summer, with long days (the sun was up at 4.45am this morning and will set at 9.20pm). If that method doesn’t display a daytime image when you want it to, try switching to Random images, and when you are satisfied that the image displayed fits the time of day, turn off the Random setting. If you want to try and match the images to your day, we recommend picking the image that’s most representative of where you are in the day and choosing hourly.Alternatively pick every 5 seconds to see a day in just over a minute. Since there are 16 images available you could see a day pass every 80 minutes you could set it to every 5 minutes, for example.The options are: Every 5 seconds, Every minute, Every 5 minutes, Every 15 minutes, Every 30 minutes (this is the default), Every hour, and Every day. You can now choose how often you want the image to change.If you would like the Mojave desert images to change throughout the day to give the impression of day and night, then look below the set of images for the option to Change picture. Now onto the Dynamic Desktop trickery.Now you can either pick one image from the collection as your desktop image, or, and this is much more fun, you can create your own Dynamic Desktop, we’ll show you how below.

Your Mojave folder will immediately appear here. Open a Finder window and drag and drop the folder of images onto the white space below Folders.Right click on your Desktop and choose Change Desktop Background, this will take you to the Desktop & Screen Saver pane in System Preferences.Drag the folder of images to your desktop, or copy the whole folder to Photos.Download the images from the link above.It is also possible to create a Dynamic Desktop style effect, we’ll look at how to do that next. If you would like to use one as your desktop wallpaper on a Mac, follow these instructions. There are a total of 16 images of the same sand-dune in the folder, each one representing a different time of day. This Reddit poster has uploaded all the images that combine to make the Dynamic Desktop image of the sand dune that Apple is using to represent Mojave.